I am

I am… two powerful words. Choose what follows next wisely.

Have you noticed how easy it is to say something negative about yourself? Recently, while chatting with a few girlfriends on marco polo (a video chat app) I noticed we were so easily pointing out our flaws out loud to ourselves and each other. I am guilty of this too as I would refer to my “old lady neck” or the dark sun spots on my face. It occurred to me that I so freely and frequently give my negative talk open forum. But I am reluctant to say something nice about my appearance.

As I paid more attention to our conversations, I noticed my girlfriends were also pointing out their physical flaws. I challenged myself and them to something that seemed easy enough: Do not say something negative about yourself. Guess what? It was easier than I thought it would be. If you don’t want your daughter or friend to say negative things about herself, why would you say them about yourself?

To add to this, I asked them to say something out loud that they liked about their appearance. I think, and, I hope that it was easier than they thought. I have noticed the shift in our conversations and I can’t help but wonder if it has helped change their mindset?

Our words have energy. Our intention with our words give more energy. What would it look like if we gave the words and our intention the energy for our greater good? What If we instead used our wisdom we have as women to elevate ourselves and our environment?

I challenge you to complete the following phrase:

I am…

Peace and Love, LM